Saturday, July 4, 2015

The problems of the "little kisses" between parents and children

It is very common to see mothers out there kissing on the mouth with a peck their children, choosing this way to show your affection. But despite the tenderness with which this may look, making this a daily practice and pass the age limits imposed can generate some kinks.

This is something that is seen as loving and tender, and that despite not something widespread among all parents and children no one bats to see this situation, already considered as normal that you see every day.

However, we must remember that we see this as adults, but outside of our vision our children see it as children. They have not yet incorporated the rule that kissing a person of the opposite sex as a matter of attraction and love, and once we begin to confront this standard can complicated things a bit.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Christmas Tales: The Christmas Cook

Christmas is coming and with it comes many stories, memories, lights, stories and joys. Christmas makes us more sensitive, more nostalgic and loving and of course, many more children. For each Christmas, the little he looked forward your gifts, unable to sleep, wake up a little bit.

It is a wonderful place to connect more with our children, tell our childhood adventures, our memories and even the antics of those golden years time. It is a great time to fill them with beautiful stories, Christmas stories.

As well, we have thousands of stories to tell. They are the best known, which are generally preferred, but other, as adorable as the first but not so popular.

Today I share with you one of those stories that they could tell their children. You will see both the will enjoy.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Baby strollers on the bus

In cities often required to use public transport, and as we read in the news, there is no standardized system for holding baby strollers on the bus. Although there are cities like Barcelona, Oviedo or Santiago de Compostela where it is not necessary to fold the stroller to board the bus for the municipal transportation, according to Miguel Ruiz, manager of the EMT of Malaga, this is a danger even attach it to the Disabled belt can be a great risk to the baby.

A mother Malaga is collecting signatures for all women who are in your situation, achieve a solution when traveling with babies in EMT buses without folding the baby stroller and carrying her child.

"The EMT does not want us" is the legend with which manifest themselves and say they feel discriminated against because economically are not likely to travel by taxi and necessarily have to travel by bus.

Actually, if transportation is public, should be adequate for all citizens, and babies are too. Miguel Ruiz ensures that at the time there is an approved order to secure the pram in system buses, the first to be put in Spain.

Hopefully take example and words are not blown away, because as you see in the picture, the system exists.

Dads and moms protest in Tui with their baby strollers

I remember the advice of a friend when we went out together for a walk in cart to our children and we were with architectural obstacles such as stairs, high curbs, etc. She told me "you have to be autonomous with the cart". Since then I started practicing as it was the best way to climb a ladder, as it should lift the basket in her arms and became a champion of "rallie" of stroller.

Yesterday half a hundred parents with their carts and babies City Tui (Galicia) staged a protest demonstrating their abilities, skills and patience to overcome the barriers they face to take a walk, or go on an errand. Click to see more detail

Dads marked blackheads, starting with the health center from which came the expedition, the Post Office and the Registry. Tape measure in hand, measured the height of the sidewalks which do carry the stroller weight, since not even be up on two wheels.

The demonstration Odyssey dating cart has made it difficult to Consello, as the protest did not go unnoticed. Will have to take action on the matter. Moms and dads appreciate

Thursday, June 18, 2015

How to wash and clean a newborn baby

Bath time provides the opportunity to hold the baby, caress, and strengthen emotional ties. It is a time to enjoy the newborn and is an activity in which all family members can participate. Although the technique is simple, it is not free of doubt and uncertainty, it is appropriate to resolve them before the first bath.

Wash the child at night facilitate his dream

Baby hygiene is a great opportunity to convey to your child feelings of well being. Immerse in warm water, pleases while relaxes you. Do at similar times each day, for example before dinner, promote a good night's rest. It should seize this moment of intimacy to establish a special contact with the newborn, enhancing the bonding with parents.

How to bathe a baby before the fall of the cord is different as will be later. This is to prevent infections and the navel is kept as dry as possible for proper healing. It is for this reason that before the fall of the umbilical cord is preferable not to wash the baby dip, ie not completely immerse the baby in water. However, with proper technique you can be performed hygiene without completely submerging the baby in the water.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Caring for the skin of newborn

After the long wait has finally come to the world our baby. Many will be the care we provide, and we must be prepared to offer the best for our child.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and, therefore, we must pay special attention to the newborn because it is much more sensitive and delicate than adults.

Caring for the baby's skin at birth

The newborn's skin is immature and tender, as it is still forming. As it is not yet weathered we use cotton clothing and little heavy, especially for a newborn, so as not dañársela. Regardless that the child is born in hot weather or cold we should avoid the most sun exposure, because this will be very harmful for our baby.

More irritation or dryness If the baby is not well fed or not drinking enough water that may be reflected in your skin will appear. Therefore feeding and hydration are crucial to the health of the skin of our baby.

There are areas in the body of our baby which we should be more careful, especially behind the ears and face

Monday, June 15, 2015

Difference between identical and fraternal twins

When parents announce that they will have children it is an emotional moment that will come from nerves and anxiety, especially when it comes to new parents. But, if you advertise that they will be parents of twins and doubles twins fear (pun intended) because in addition to need more help and more effort, prospective parents are raises questions about the birth, the physical their children, their peculiarities. Therefore, in Bekia we are going to explain that it is a multiple birth and parents are likely to have twins or twins.

Differences between identical and fraternal twins

The technicality of twins or twins, are two names that confuse excess generally is called twins born on the same side and that physical is identical. But the reality is that there are large differences between children born in multiple births, but look the same.

The twins have few differences

Twins are born children of the same labor and the same egg. The brothers are physically identical, with characteristics that differentiate but barely visible to the naked eye. In this case, sperm in an early period of development are divided into two and two brothers originates future and different children. The twins, born in a single placenta.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

How can we be foster parents?

Before starting to explain what being foster parents, we must make clear the difference that make clear the difference between that term and the adoption of a child. When a couple decides they want to be foster parents, assuming they want to take in a child who can not have their family with them, whether by reason whatsoever and Social Services want to be in contact with households to breed. Most children that are the Social Services are in distress and need a foster family, either on a temporary or permanent foster care placement.

The time can vary host to most edadEn any mode of host has the support and advice of qualified personnel. The purpose of the welcome is temporarily care for a child giving support, affection and care they need and make it easier to eventually return to his biological family if the circumstances of this permit. Pending a host family for the child, they are public institutions or associations serving host the centers in these children covering their basic needs. Time host of the child may be variable and may even last until adulthood. Host families will care for the child but not the protection, which depend on the State.

In the event that takes place an adoption must be a legal process to ratify these parents they will pass to have custody of the baby or child. Adoption is a solution so that children can return to a family and couples or individuals Applicants can live and enjoy the experience of having a child. With the adoption will happen to be a kinship between the two people becoming, legally, the child's parents.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Convertible cribs bed, advantages and disadvantages

You're going to be parents in the coming months and will furnish the room propose how it will be for your child. You find convertible cribs and you wonder how you can make this type of furniture.

Convertible cribs are evolutionary or structures that make up a compact modular furniture, which are converted and adapted to the different stages of your baby as it grows, covering the different needs of those stages. The convertible crib becomes a junior room with bed, table and study area.

Disadvantages of convertible cribs

To decide which compraréis to furnish the room of your baby you will have to consider what you need and what the space that you have got, because there are many models of convertible cribs on the market.

At first sight, the first downside is that you will find far superior to a traditional birthplace price, but considering all the other furnishings that are purchased separate bed, bedside table, etc., can be seen as an investment long-term.

The size of the cabinet can be another drawback, it does not allow moving it from room to room easily or include it in the master bedroom to have your baby at night in the first months, which may involve the purchase of a bassinet or crib to have it in your room. Whether you want a traditional convertible crib as many parents recommend also have the bassinet or crib for easier mobility of the baby in those first months.

It may seem a good solution for small spaces but different modules may be difficult to then adapt the space to form the room so that each independent cabinet measures be taken into account.

Another disadvantage with this type of furniture is the measure of the crib that is usually larger than that of a traditional making it more difficult to find sheets that fit them.

Advantages of convertible cribs

Its versatility is its main advantage. These convertible cribs are composed of several drawers, shelves, often incorporate changer, some with bunk bed, and some even have a bathtub. So everything becomes bedside table, desk and bed room to adapt to the age of your child, covering the needs of your children like yours as parents.

These furniture are designed to last over time so that their designs are more advanced than other baby furnishings and able to keep up to 7-8 years of your child. In addition, the variety of finishes give many options when choosing the decor that suits your tastes.

There are models on the market in which the evolutionary cradle does not become a child's room but in other furniture, such as a sofa bed at the same time, a desk, or adventure playground. This option allows you to retrieve the crib if the family another baby comes.

Factors to Consider

Finally, make sure you that the convertible crib is certified and complies with European regulations .:

- All materials should be non-toxic crib and anti-irritant, with all metal parts resistant to corrosion.
- The crib slats should be no more separation of 65 mm to prevent it from being trapped baby's head. This separation must not be less than 45 mm to not catch your hands.
- The drive coming down the side of the crib should have a safety lock to prevent accidental opening.
- In addition, all joints, edges and shapes of the crib are rounded without edges or protrusions that could cause scratches.